Thursday, October 04, 2018
Just the Facts
People can love or hate Donald Trump. People can be communists, anarchists, racists, or collectors of exotic office supplies. In spite of the continued icing piled on America’s contemporary political cake, the facts are simple and air tight.
Donald Trump ran for president under the rules and guidelines of presidential elections (an electoral college system). The rules and standards were accepted by both candidates.
Donald Trump won the election.
A significant number of people and groups opposed his election. These people and groups were from powerful and influential media organizations, universities, the entertainment and high tech industries, government institutions, an entrenched class of powerful professional statist elites, and common citizens who agree with the ideals of those mentioned.
During the election, the previously noted cabal used a variety of legal and illegal methods to thwart Donald Trump’s success. None of these people have been legally punished yet.
Again, he won the election.
The same statist cabal then sought to undermine the duly elected president and sought his removal from office.
The same group, along with millions of sympathizers who believe in the Obama style of government — big, powerful, punitive, and subservient to global institutions — continue to use all means possible to undo an American presidency chosen by a free and open election system.
In spite of the bitter hatred and accusations of some, the duly elected president has been remarkably successful and has produced positive results both economically and diplomatically, (in addition to numerous specific issues like veterans reform, restrictions on lobbying, prison reform, and reduction of pharmaceutical prices). His policies and actions have been exactly what he ran on during the election - the platform he won on.
A just course of action should now be: further investigation and prosecution of anyone breaking the law to conspire the removal of the duly elected president. The left has had plenty of time and resources to pursue their bogus and contrived claim of wrong-doing on the president’s part and the more they dig the more we find that it is the “resistance” that has conspired, colluded, and broke laws to overthrow the duly elected government.
Those who hate Trump and/or his policies should wait til the next election and accept the results.
Rambling about tweets or gruff manners is irrelevant. Complaining about the government losing some of its power over people’s lives is irrelevant (especially when your side lost the election).
Very with it.